Submissions are closed—results will be announced on the 17th June, during GRANSHAN Talks & Ceremony.


Shiva Nallaperumal

Shiva Nallaperumal is a Graphic Designer, Illustrator and Type Designer from India. After completing his undergraduate studies in Communication Design from DJAD, Coimbatore (2013), he enrolled in the MFA Graphic Design program at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), Baltimore, USA (Grad. 2015). As an independant designer he has designed identities, exhibitions, illustrated works and publications for various international clients. As a type designer he has worked with ITF, Lost Type Co-Op and Typotheque. He now works full-time at ITF at the Ahmedabad office developing new typefaces. While a student he interned at Grandmother India and Pentagram (Abbott Miller's team).

In 2015 he recieved the coveted Catalyst Award from the Society of Typographic Aficionados (SoTA) at Typecon in Denver. He was the second Indian to be confered the prize, after ITF's Satya Rajpurohit was in 2009. In 2014 he recieved the Certificate of Excellence from the International Socitey of Typographic Designers (ISTD), London for exhibition design.